All ages back to school queer punk show!

All ages back to school queer punk show!

Sandy Hill House Fire

General Chaos

Conflit Majeur

Four Flavours Fruit Punx

Doors at 6, show at 7! Side door of Batiment 7!


These shows are aimed at any marginalized teenagers looking for a place to exist with each other and be themselves. Queer, POC and disabled young performers prioritized! May sometimes have an older band. I hope these shows can provide a safe space for marginalized teenagers and bring them hope that they can grow old without compromising their identities. // Les shows que j’organise mettent de l’avant toutes performances qui priorisent des adolescents appartenant à des groupes marginaux. Ces jeunes seront priorisés pour le booking, parfois avec un band plus agé. Je souhaite que ces événements apportent aux jeunes spectateurs.trices un espace où iels peuvent exister et grandir entre eu.lle.x sans compromettre leur identité.

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