Lesbian Weed Coven, Duplah Pootch, Shillelagh Jones
Lesbian Weed Coven, Duplah Pootch, Shillelagh Jones

Milieu Therapy x Turbo Haus présente:
Lesbian Weed Coven;
dykedelic anguished stoner metal trio from Tio'tia:ke
Noise set from Joe, mlilieu therapy affiliate;
Theremin and anxiety
Duplah Pootch Hanichan Gasoliiine;
Experimental Noise Grind
Shillelagh Jones;
Notorious producer and performer know to Montreal's slag/drag scene

Turbo Haus 2040 St-Denis
Thursday 27 june 2024
Portes/doors - 7PM
Music - 8PM
Gratuit / Free

Pièce d'identité gouvernementale obligatoire/ Gov. I.D. mandatory
Les masques sont encouragés et seront disponibles gratuitement sur place / Masks are encouraged and will be provided at the venue for free
Turbo Haus n'est malheureusement pas accessible en fauteuil roulant. Le bar et a salle de spectacle exigent l'utilisation d'escaliers. / Turbo Haus is unfortunately not wheelchair-accessible. Both the bar and the venue require the use of stairs.

Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/894238712735975

3 months ago
Turbo Haüs
2040 Saint-Denis
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