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Portes : 19h
Musique: 20h Pile.
15$ suggérés, billets disponibles à la porte, personne ne sera refusé pour manque de fonds.
Capacité très limitée!

Doors at 19h, show at 20h sharp
$15 suggested, tix at the door, no one turned away for lack of funds.
Very limited capacity!


Liew Niyomkarn is a sound and musician based in Brussels. Coming from sound experimental practice and performance, her work focuses on listening practice and conveying memories through sound.  She uses field recordings to detect time,  (non)-human voices, everyday routines, text,  archrival sounds, and different tuning systems in nature – to combine them with a sonic palette and the properties of sound itself such as sounds of spaces – she presents her work in the form of live performance and sound installation. ||

PLATITUDES (Brussels x Montréal)
After a 6 year hiatus noise conceptualists PLATITUDES return to the stage. PLATITUDES is Julia Dyck & James Goddard. PLATITUDES wonders how many ways there are to say the things that are said. By blending a variety of performance modalities PLATITUDES encourages you to think. ||


Des masques seront disponibles, encouragés et bienvenus ♡
Entre les sets, les fenêtres seront ouvertes et la pièce sera aérée
Il y a un escalier extérieur avec 6 marches
Il y a un ascenseur à l'intérieur du bâtiment

Masks will be available, encouraged, and welcomed ♡
Between sets, the windows will be opened and the room will be ventilated
There is an exterior staircase with 6 stairs
There is an elevator inside the building


8 months ago
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170 Jean Talon O
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