Show Beneficio - Centro Social Anarquista Manuel Gonzales Prada

Show Beneficio - Centro Social Anarquista Manuel Gonzales Prada

El Centro Social Anarquista Manuel González Prada (Lima) necesita tu ayuda para continuar sus actividades educativo-culturales en medio de una crisis política que se ha agudizado en el Perú desde Diciembre del 2022. Parte de los fondos recaudados contribuirán a abastecer a las brigadas de primeros auxilios y de primera línea con material básico para cumplir su labor en las protestas a nivel nacional que siguen pidiendo la dimisión del gobierno golpista de Dina Boluarte y una reforma constitucional.

The Anarchist Social Center Manuel Gonzales Prada (Lima) needs your help to continue its cultural and educational activities in the midst of a political crisis that has deepened in Peru since December of 2022. Part of the funds amassed will go to cover basic material needs of first-responders and first-line brigades in the nationwide protests that demand the end of Dina Boluarte’s illegitimate government and much needed constitutional reform.

Mickey Dagger



Doors 8:30

Show 9:00


Bâtiment 7 is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the lands and waters on which this spot is located.

1 year ago
Bâtiment 7
1900 rue Le Ber suite 201, Montreal, QC, Canada H3K 2A4
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@shows woah show at Bâtiment 7! Cool!