Concert à la mémoire de Julie Morand-Ferron

A very special night for our Eighth concert. The sorrow of losing our friend doesn't leave me. Without Julie, there would be no Belly Hatcher. She is the reason our friendship took shape and blossomed into a musical duo, before Belly Hatcher, we were just two friends spending countless hours on the bus and in rideshares, going to see our best friends Julie and Eric in Gatineau. Nonstop night rides between our two cities, as if nothing existed inbetween. Nothing we can say can express the loss and emptiness we experience since she has gone. But we can try to make her proud with a handful of songs. - BELLY HATCHER




(translation will follow)

Ceux qui ont connus Julie savent à quel point elle désirait voir les gens qu’elle aimait s’accomplir, avoir des projets, réaliser leur plein potentiel. Cela se manifestait dans son rôle de professeur et de superviseur à l’université bien sûr, mais également dans sa vie personnelle et aussi en tant qu’artiste. Elle prenait un grand plaisir à voir ses amis relever des défis, créer des choses. C’est dans cet esprit que nous avons décidé d’organiser cette fête musicale à sa mémoire.

Avec nos projets musicaux (011, Violence) au fils des ans à travers les concerts et les collaborations nous avons eu la chance de faire connaissance avec des artistes dont nous admirions l’œuvre et qui au gré des rencontres sont devenus des ami(e)s et des complices de créations, de rêves et de fêtes.

Nous vous invitons le 25 aout prochain à venir célébrer avec nous la vie et la mémoire de Julie en compagnie de personnes significatives pour elle. Le concert est ouvert à tous et se veut l’occasion pour la communauté de fraterniser afin d’activer des potentialités desquelles, souhaitons-le, naîtrons des discussions fertiles, des rencontres enivrantes et les étincelles de futures créations, bref une soirée lumineuse à l’image de Julie.




Those who knew Julie will tell you just how much she wanted to see the people she loved achieving their visions, seeing through projects, and fulfilling their potential. This was manifested in her role as professor and supervisor at the university, and it evidently shone through her personal & artistic life. She took great pleasure in seeing her friends take up challenges & create things. It is in this spirit that we have decided to organize this musical celebration in her memory.

Throughout the years, our musical projects (011, Violence) gave way to concerts and collaborations through which we were given the chance to get to know artists whose work we admired. They people have become friends and accomplices, in creation, dreams, and parties.

On August 25th, we invite you to join us in celebrating Julie's life and memory in the company of people who were significant to her. The concert is open to everyone, and it is an opportunity for the community to fraternize towards activating potentialities. From these, we hope, will be born fertile discussions, stimulating encounters and sparks of future creations; in short, a luminous evening, like Julie.

1 year ago
La Sotterenea
4848 Saint Laurent
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