subMedia presents: The Two Decades of subVersion Riot Porn Jamboree

subMedia presents: The Two Decades of subVersion Riot Porn Jamboree

Join the subMedia crew this December as we celebrate two decades cranking out anarchist propaganda. That's right, subMedia has finally made it through its angsty teenager years. Before you know it, we'll be setting riot porn to soft jazz! So before that happens and to mark this auspicious milestone, we're throwing a series of screening events in select cities. A riot porn jamboree, if you will - culminating in a livestream screening party, where current and former crew members will be on hand to introduce some of our favourite videos, shoot the shit, and answer all your most burning questions.

So grab some popcorn, a crowbar and a gasmask to celebrate the way only subMedia can... with a two hour cavalcade of riot porn, direct from our projector to your eyeballs.

1 year ago
1800 Letourneau
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