Taking Meds (NY) + Seed Toss + guest @ Turbo Haus

TAKING MEDS (Rochester, NY)
With their brilliant new album "Dial M for Meds" coming out last year, Taking Meds is back in Montreal to give us more of their snarky Alternative Rock. If you like melodic hooks and biting lyrics you’re in for a treat. FFO: Lemonheads, Smoking Popes, Drug Church…https://takingmeds.bandcamp.com/album/dial-m-for-meds
SEED TOSS (Montreal, QC)
Your favorite local College-Rockers (CEGEP-Rock?) fresh off their new EP "Safe and Sound". FFO: Weezer, Superchunk, Piebald
+ guest
May 7th
Turbo Haus (2040 St Denis)
Montreal, QC
8pm $15-$20 PWYC
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