Fundraiser & Clothing Drive for Les Nocturnes

Fundrauser & Clothing Drive for Les Nocturnes

Fundraiser and Clothing Drive for street outreach group Les Nocturnes.

We're asking for hats, gloves, hand/foot warmers, jackets, boots, winter socks, long underwear, sleeping bags etc. All washed and in good condition (new if you're feeling ultra generous). Cash donations will go towards gas, training programs, transit support etc.

Music by:

Clayborne (post-hardcore/punk) -
godsgreenearth (kraut/psych/experimental) -
Tall Shadows (experimental/goth-rock) -

Doors at 8, music at 8:30
$10 - $20 suggested donation / NOTAFLOF

2 months ago
P'tit Ours
5589 Park
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