Hips of Lilith, Pnoom, Shunkd

A show poster with pretty colours in the background. The bands playing are Shunk, Pnoom and Hips of Lilith


Hips of Lilith

Shunk (Shoegaze Punk) - FIRST SHOW!!

yield to the witch
(༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ)

Mardi 7 Février 2023
Portes : 20h30h
Spectacle : 21h

ONLINE TIX for 10 : https://www.zeffy.com/.../02dc7276-0c03-4421-950b...

Or 15$ at the door

2 years ago
Quai des Brumes
4481, Rue Saint-Denis, Parc-Lafontaine, Plateau Mont-Royal, Montréal, Agglomération de Montréal, Montréal (06), Québec, H2J 2L2, Canada
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