The City Gates / Parallel / Oiseau de proie Thursday, Mar 06, 07:00 PM-11:00 PM Thursday 6 March 23:00 Cabaret Foufounes Electriques 87 Rue Ste-Catherine E MTLDIYOISEAU DE PROIEPARALLELTHE CITY GATESYouth of Nauseagoth
Spiral Path (Philly) / She Came to Quit / Null404 Wednesday, Feb 26, 07:30 PM-11:55 PM Wednesday 26 February 23:55 P’tit Ours 5585 Avenue du Parc Montreal Quebec INDUSTRIALMTLDIYNULL404SHE CAME TO QUITSPIRAL PATHYouth of Nausea
eX-Tradition (Philadelphia), Perestroika and Psychic Armour Friday, Nov 15, 2024, 09:00 PM-03:00 AM Saturday 16 November 03:00 P'tit Ours 5589 Park PERESTROIKAPSYCHIC ARMOUReX-Traditiongothpost-punkpunk
VOSH (DC) / ZOM ZOM / OISEAU DE PROIE / NÜMONIA Saturday, Oct 05, 2024, 09:00 PM-12:00 AM Sunday 6 October 00:00 Piranha Bar 680 Sainte-Catherine Ouest NÜMONIAOISEAU DE PROIEVOSHZOM ZOMebmgoth
Cerise Noire avec Property Violator + DJ JTA Friday, Sep 13, 2024, 10:00 PM-03:00 AM Saturday 14 September 03:00 Notre Dame des Quilles 32 rue Beaubien est Montreal dance partygothharsh noise
Paulo Sinski + Everly Lux + Ted Kennedy + Mythmaking Sunday, Aug 18, 2024, 07:00 PM-11:00 PM Sunday 18 August 23:00 La Sotterenea 4848 Saint Laurent experimentalgothpost-punkpunk-adjacentsynth punksynthpop
Hips of Lilith, Pnoom, Shunkd Tuesday, Feb 07, 2023, 08:30 PM-11:55 PM Tuesday 7 February 23:55 Quai des Brumes 4481, Rue Saint-Denis, Parc-Lafontaine, Plateau Mont-Royal, Montréal, Agglomération de Montréal, Montréal (06), Québec, H2J 2L2, Canada HIPS OF LILITHPNOOMQUAI DES BRUMESSHUNKgothpunk