Shapes, Thee Soreheads, Caniche, Shunk Saturday, Jun 07, 08:00 PM-11:00 PM Saturday 7 June 23:00 Van Horne Underpass Under the overpass and beside the tracks CANICHESHAPESSHUNKTHEE SOREHEADSoutdoors
NO WAVES - CANICHE666 - JETSAM Friday, Oct 18, 2024, 08:00 PM Quai des Brumes 4481, Rue Saint-Denis, Parc-Lafontaine, Plateau Mont-Royal, Montréal, Agglomération de Montréal, Montréal (06), Québec, H2J 2L2, Canada CANICHEJETSAMNOWAVES
WHITE KNUCKLE + CANICHE666 + PUST Saturday, Sep 07, 2024, 02:30 PM-05:00 PM Saturday 7 September 17:00 Van Horne Underpass Under the overpass and beside the tracks CANICHEPUSTWHITE KNUCKLE